We would like to offer you some useful articles on video marketing and video content topic we’ve come across just recently.
Why Ecommerce Brands Need To Embrace Video Content
Author: Victoria Greene
In this digital age, eCommerce brands are looking for more and more ways to make themselves stand out from the crowd.
Content marketing has taken on a whole new life of its own, and everyone want to be the best. There are a few ways that you can really make your brand stand out, and one of these ways is video content.
READ MORE5 Incredibly Simple Strategies to Help You Win With Video Marketing
Author: Toby Nwazor
The content marketing scene is consistently changing. And it’s obvious that video marketing is here to stay.
In fact, a Maryville University infographic identified video production as one of the most important modern marketing skills for business innovators to master.
The study by Cisco, meanwhile, predicted that 82 percent of internet traffic would be going to video content by 2021.
READ MORE5 Alternatives To YouTube For Online Video
Author: Geoff Desreumaux
YouTube is not only the number one online video platform, it also is the world’s second largest search engine and third most visited site after Google and Facebook. So what happens when it goes down? The world would be in shock: what do we do now? Well, thankfully, there are alternatives, good or bad, to the hegemony of the Google owned video behemoth. You just have to find them.