Category Archives: Useful Tips

Facebook Accounts for 60% of Global Video Shares, Twitter 14% [Report]

A new study reports that 83% of video shares are generated by just under 18% of internet users, with most shares taking place on Facebook, and Twitter. Not only are these power-users driving video shares, but they are sharing faster than ever before, with 42% of videos being shared across social network feeds within 3 […]

YouTube: The Second Largest Search Engine You Never Considered

If you thought YouTube was just for clips of cute cats and X-Factor contestants, and had no value to offer your business, think again. Using YouTube for business is a cost effective strategy to get your brand in front of millions of viewers and potential customers both locally and internationally. There are two main ways […]

Video is Everywhere Today

As a small business today, you simply can’t have enough funds to promote your brand, and this is why you need to find inexpensive, yet efficient methods to get more exposure! One way to achieve that is video marketing, and before you navigate away from this page because you think that video marketing is super […]

Sales, Leads, and Video

Okay, so maybe it’s not as sexy or interesting as the semi-controversial 1989 Steven Soderbergh film Sex, Lies, and Videotape. But, combined, ‘Sales, Leads, and Video’ should be the most important components of your business’ marketing plan. Video is taking over, if it hasn’t already, the internet. When was the last time you (business or […]

Top 5 Best Video Galleries for Your WordPress Sites

Nowadays site owners try to reach out to their audience by providing more of image & video related information. For instance take the case of an E-learning site where videos are very essential to interact with the audience. In the current trend 44% of site owners use WordPress site as a medium to communicate with […]

How To Make Video Advertising Not Suck

The only video advertising that really sucks is the video advertising you’re not doing. And these days, if you’re not using video advertising to promote your business or your brand, you’re running at a disadvantage. Video is undeniably powerful. Video can show – and tell – a vivid story about you, your brand, your products, […]

Using Copyrighted Music in Videos: When is it Legal?

Copyright law is one of the grayest areas on the internet, and violations happen more often than a troll comment gets posted to YouTube. Well maybe not, but potential copyright violations can be confusing to navigate if you don’t know how the laws apply to your particular situation, especially around the issue of copyrighted music […]

Effective Planning for Video Content

Video production is a great way to engage and expand an audience, whether it is for a blog, website or business venture. Whether you’re an established blogger or simply trying to break into film production, developing a video requires the consideration of some key pieces before, during, and after the green light process. If you’re […]

As The Internet Grows Bigger, What Do We Do About Video?

It wasn’t all that long ago when Zork, a text-based game where players would read a scenario and type in such thrilling commands as “open mailbox” and “turn on lamp,” was the king of online entertainment. The Internet has certainly come a long way. Now, not only is it home to millions of graphically rich […]

9 How-to Tips For Creating the Best Video Interview

We have conducted a lot of video interviews here on ReelSEO, and picked up many, many tips and best practices along the way. Interviews make for valuable content, and there are endless possibilities to interview people in your particular industry, such as though-leaders, industry professionals, and others. We share 9 of those tips with you […]