Category Archives: Useful Tips

How Video Can Revitalize Customer Engagement

It’s been challenging for businesses to remain relevant over the past year, with much of the economy on hold and consumers sticking close to home. Companies have tried to engage customers with emails declaring, “We’re here for you!” but that message quickly grew old. Consumers want more than an inbox full of empty assurances. With […]

How to Plan Your Video Marketing Campaign Through Each Step of the Sales Funnel

By John Allen – View Original When thinking about marketing, we tend to think of catchy slogans and billboard ads. We think of people standing in a board meeting, discussing numbers and target markets. But as the digital world changes, the world of marketing campaigns changes along with it. It’s no longer enough to pay […]

Video Marketing Trends for 2021: Top Predictions from 18 Industry Experts

The year of 2020 has turned the whole world upside down. Due to the global pandemic, we have seen more businesses and services move online than ever before. From local businesses to large enterprises, companies have turned their focus to online and video marketing in an effort to adapt to the “new normal.”  We have […]

Vimeo Launches New Video Marketing Tools

The company also introduced native integrations with top marketing software platforms Mailchimp, HubSpot, Constant Contact, and more Vimeo, the world’s leading all-in-one video solution, launched a suite of tools to help marketers and businesses reach— and ultimately convert— new customers with video. To streamline the process of managing and communicating with customer leads, Vimeo also introduced […]

5 Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement Organically in 2021

Invitation to join Global Marketers Community Discussion Space Vidsaga has come up with 5 amazingly effective tips to increace your engagement on Instagram organically in 2021. The tips are as follows: 1.Geo Tagging Trick  Believe it or not, geotagged posts have 79% more engagement 2. Aim to be Saved Save is the new like because […]

Why Video Is More Important Than Websites For B2B Marketers

Video is everywhere.  Most businesses, B2C and B2B alike, find themselves in one of two camps: 1) videos are highly desirable, but appear too time-intensive and expensive; or 2) find the sweet spot to create and share consistent videos.  About 60% of businesses fall into category one which means the entire video market space is […]

7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

It’s that time of year again. Starbucks releases holiday drinks. Crockpots make their way back onto countertops. Last year’s gloves suddenly appear at the bottom of your coat pockets. And content marketers get out their calendars to start brainstorming and prepping for next year. So we asked a number of industry experts what content marketing […]

39 LinkedIn Video Tips to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

Looking for ways to boost your LinkedIn video marketing strategy? Check out 39 tips on creating LinkedIn video shared by more than 40 marketing experts. By Jessica Malnik – View Original Did you know that videos on Linkedin get 3x as much engagement than other post types?  With statistics like this one, it is easy to see why more […]

Video Marketing and Advertising: Types, Tools, & Tactics for Success

By Christian Schaffermarketing.sfgate.com16 minView Original The days of relying solely on traditional media to get your product out there are long gone. We are now in an era where consumers enjoy a variety of digital content, and rely on their mobile devices for pretty much everything. As a business owner, it’s essential to adapt to current […]