
Live video streaming is not a new concept, but in the past few months, businesses have been adopting Periscope as a part of their marketing campaigns.

periscopePeriscope’s mobile app allows you to broadcast live video from your mobile device. And to think, just a few years ago the country was in a panic because we were being watched through our phones, but now it’s one of the newest and most effective marketing strategies.

After you log in, you’ll find out very quickly that not every user knows how to captivate an audience, as live streaming can range from anywhere from extremely boring to extremely awkward. But some brands seem to have already mastered the live broadcast, such as Red Bull, Mountain Dew, and even General Electric.

So how do you optimize your use of Periscope? Check out some our tips below.

Know your audience and get their attention.

periscopeWhat hour of the day do you check your social channels? If you want to be successful at streaming video and attracting viewers, you need to know the answer to this question for your specific target market. Once you know your audience you will be able to consistently schedule your
streaming sessions. Give your session an interesting and exciting title. What is interesting and what is exciting will, of course, depend on your intended audience.

Interact with your audience.

periscopeAs your audience watches your broadcast, Periscope allows them to post comments and questions that will be displayed live on screen. Pay attention to these and take the time to respond. Even if it’s not a question, say thank you and let them know that they’re being heard and appreciated.

Make it worth their while.

If you want to develop aperiscope following, you need to keep them coming back for more. Offer something new each broadcast; “How to” tips, events, product reviews or unboxings. Take them behind the scenes every once in a while and give them an inside look at your business.

Viewers log into Periscope to see something new, to get help achieving their goals, and to capture a glimpse into another person’s life. They want to get to know you and your business and to be a part of your company’s culture. Whether or not they continue to follow faithfully is entirely up to you.

Author: Matt Angel
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