Remember simpler times when it was Coke vs Pepsi? A simple taste test could tell you what you should choose.
The one that tasted better to you. But things are no so simple now. Now you have to satisfy the masses and cover your bases. Which brings us to Facebook vs. YouTube for video.
The guys over at compiled a great post with studies from Tubular and Ogilvy.
With so many different social video platforms available for brands to use to promote themselves, it can be difficult to navigate each one to find the best return for different types of video content. How should brands &creators target audiences on Vine vs YouTube? How does uploading native video to Facebook impact the viewing shelf-life?
Anybody that’s currently involved in the online video space in any capacity should be aware that uploading native videos to Facebook is reaping incredible benefits for a number of brands and creators. In June 2015 alone, there were 8,452 videos uploaded to the social networking site that generated over 1 million views. 5,919 videos uploaded to YouTube in the same month generated 1 million plus views.
Facebook = one night stand / YouTube = Long term relationship, got it!
Author: Angela Moore