Do you know how many videos get viewed by Facebook monthly users? Well, there are over 8 billion videos viewed every day, which is equivalent to 100 million hours of videos. Is yours one of them? If not, imagine how much you’re missing out. Your competition is already taking advantage of the numbers. Additionally, Facebook is highly dynamic with things changing every other day.
Since it seems like every business is doing it, you have to stand out from the crowd for Facebook video marketing to work for your brand. With help from the following tips and other share Facebook features, you will stay ahead of the game.
1. Capture Your Audience’s Attention within the First Few Seconds
Your video doesn’t need to have sound to catch someone’s attention. Remember it’s all about the first impression. You must impress the audience for them to set aside what they were doing. How exactly will you captivate users? First, you need to play around with the video thumbnails. Custom thumbnails are the perfect example. Have a title in your thumbnails and use the proper dimensions. Get a little creative and even use a short post update to tease the video. These are only some of the effective ways to create a love-at-first-sight encounter for your audience.
2. Caption Your Videos
According to a good number of publishers, 85% of the 8 billion Facebook videos viewed are done in silent mode. It is mostly because of users having their phones on silent or disabling the auto-play with sound feature. What does this tell you? You need to make the user understand what your video is about whether or not the sound is on. Don’t blow the opportunity to communicate with your audience just because they can’t tell what you’re up to. The best way is to include captions when posting videos.
3. Do Native Video Uploads
Posting links for your YouTube videos on Facebook is probably not the best way to go about it. Doing direct uploads is the real deal. No one wants to be directed to YouTube or other places to view. Most users either won’t have much time or find it tedious. For you to get traffic and views fast, you must post your videos directly on the platform for your audience to watch them right in the feed.
4. Tailor Your Videos Specifically for Facebook
As tempting as it may be, using a single video for multiple platforms in an injustice to your audience. They deserve better, which is why you should create videos precisely for the Facebook platform. Why? The different platforms have different restrictions, which could hinder or limit when posting video content for your audience. For instance, Facebook allows you to create both short and long copies of your videos. You will also be able to give your audience ampler chance to engage.
5. Incorporate a Call-to-Action (CTA)
Calls-to-action go a long way in facilitating a response from the audience. You could say a call-to-action is the perfect way to drive traffic to your site and enhance engagement. Make use of the call-to-action buttons on Facebook. How? There are some options available to you. One is to request your audience share their thoughts on the post. You can also include a link in the post and ask viewers to click on it for more information. Another effective method is mentioning a call-to-action within the video. You can play with the video further and fix a static image of your CTA before the video concludes.
6. Target Your Audience
There’s no point posting videos for irrelevant groups to view. It won’t bring you the quality traffic you need. The good news is Facebook has you covered! The platform possesses some features that will help you direct your videos to the appropriate audience. You can use the settings to select the relevant audience and set audience restrictions. This way, your video will be able to reach an audience more likely to watch and interact with it.
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* This article was originally published here