
Videos are certainly the most suitable contents for websites today. Even a decade back, videos were considered as entertaining contents; whereas, today, general businesses are effectively using video marketing strategies for generating leads and promote business deals. Marketing experts have been studying the changes and evolution in search engine algorithms since the beginning. Especially after Google panda and penguin updates, things have changed significantly.

Today, SEO experts and internet marketers consider video marketing to be the most powerful strategy to increase the number of visitors and enhance business prospect effectively. Let’s explore why videos are important for SEO and social media strategy.

How proper video optimizing and integration boosts SERPs and social media credibility:

Longer click through rates and lower bounce rates

Recently Google has introduced artificial intelligence to their ranking algorithm.The intelligent search engine robots analyze the length of click through rates and lower bounce rates. Websites that have lower bounce rates and longer click through rates are considered as credible resources where the visitors are staying longer. The search engines consider these websites to be useful and reliable and hence they mostly reach the top search engine positions. A study shows that a static website has 53 times more chances of ranking among the top 10?s when a video is synced with the text or image content.

Better interactions, audience-responses and productive discussions

Texts are mostly considered as information initiating less interactions and user discussions. Experts have defined social content and plain text content distinctly. Videos often attract visitors and keep them engaged at the site. Videos successfully result in better interactions, direct responses, reviews and direct discussions on the site. These together produce supportive contents and enhance credibility of a website. When a website has automated and organic content generation system, it attains a higher level of credibility and reliability. Top search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing consider these on-site interactions to be a vital detection test to find out authority website in a specific niche.

TLDR issues and importance of engaging content

Too Long Don’t Read- this is a common problem for many resourceful and reliable sites today. Internet has become a great resource for attaining information for the people. But the users are more attracted towards catchy, interesting and amusing contents. Plain texts are certainly considered as the most popular and ancient way of collecting information; but videos, images and audios are always effective for spreading information. Video content based communications are much effective than other formats. That’s a reason many leading info-based sites have started using audiovisual contents side by side. These integrations make their contents more reachable to a huge audience-platform.

“Videos are social content” – Dave Evans (social media marketing expert)

Social media sharing has become an effective way of driving traffic and earning credibility. A website owner must have a well-built social profile for his web business. Images, audios and most important videos are the contents that can bring huge traffic from social media websites like, etc. High quality, engaging videos are capable of creating amazing social buzz about anything on this earth. Social media marketing expert Dave Evans says videos are the most powerful and engaging social contents among all. Credible social presence automatically builds a referral traffic base and hence increase search engine rankings and business operations online.

Mass linking, going viral and organic sharing

Recently the search engines have introduced some changes in the ranking algorithms. Mass marketing, owner based marketing or rapid linking is considered as spamming activities. These fraudulence significantly damage website reputation. But social websites allow you to go viral without damaging your site reputation and credibility. Automated mass linking by your visitors from around the world adds credibility to your website. The videos mostly go viral if they’re attractive enough to create public buzz. As a whole, videos undergo massive organic sharing that ultimately leads to referral visitors, returning visitors and liable customers for your business online.

There are many other reasons why the webmasters are focusing on video as their main content types. Even the websites that used to upload plain text exclusively and considered as most reliable resources in certain niches are also adding videos side by side. Websites like,, are also considering audiovisual contents essential with the text contents. Actions from their end, their encouraging attitude clearly prove how videos have become vital concerns for attaining better SERPs and visibility.

Author: Shivbhadra Gohil
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